Our Location

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



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Antonio Carraro's latest professional transporter, developed from the T Major Series. A medium-power, maneuverable and compact conveyor, designed to offer all the comfort required by operators in this sector. From the spacious driving position to the central transmission tunnel, free from levers or other obstacles, everything was designed to make the driver's life easier. The Tigrecar was designed for material handling operations on both slopes and flat terrain.

The engine is the same 50 hp 4-cylinder Yanmar used in the flagship T Series tractors. The transmission has an 8+8-speed gearbox with inverter and 540 rpm synchronized power take-off. In addition to oil-immersed disc brakes, the tractor can also be equipped with Superbrake, a complementary braking system, ideal for braking on slopes. Also available on request with closed cabin.


Antonio Carraro