Our Location

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



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A formidable articulated track tractor with four rubber tracks and a 98 hp Kubota engine. The flagship of the R Series for its excellent performance and imposing appearance.

Designed for use in extreme conditions where other tractors cannot operate: steep slopes (including side slopes) and difficult terrain.

In mud, snow, loose dirt and even rain-soaked soil, the Mach 4 crawler tractor works with minimal soil compaction. Regardless of the weather conditions, you can continue working, even in conditions that would paralyze a conventional wheeled tractor. The rubber tracks allow the tractor to “float” on the ground, providing greater stability and better grip, always guaranteeing plenty of traction for greater operational efficiency and productivity. Equipped with reverse gear, it is extremely maneuverable even in confined spaces, capable of making tight turns without digging. With Mach 4, you avoid the pivoting curves typical of conventional treadmills that damage the ground when performing headland maneuvers. A track that offers a level of comfort equal to a conventional tractor, with a spacious cab, ample legroom, an extremely comfortable driving position and, optionally, a super-ergonomic joystick (the proportional multifunctional JCM™) that significantly simplifies the operation of all the implements. It can be equipped with a state-of-the-art air pressurized cabin, also available in a Category 4 certified version, offering total protection against harmful dust, gases and vapors. Unlike a conventional crawler, the Mach 4 crawler tractor does not need to be transported in another vehicle from one job site to another, as it is approved for use on the road at speeds of up to 40 km/h.


Antonio Carraro